Testimonials VIDEO
In the Media IT Section are available two videos of youths partecipating to the SAVE piloting at the Alessandria and Ruvo [...]
In the Media IT Section are available two videos of youths partecipating to the SAVE piloting at the Alessandria and Ruvo [...]
The paper “Sfide e risorse per l’evoluzione dei sistemi di orientamento” (Guidance system challenges and resources) has been submitted and accepted for publication within the Città CIOFS-FP n.3 2016. The paper aims at highlighting the SAVE potentials within the guidance system methodologies and tools, with special refer to the support to personalised personal, educational and professional [...]
The project SAVE accedes to the European Week of VET which will be held around Europe from 5th to 9th of December 2016 [...]
On October, 11 in Alessandria it was held the final conference of SAVE, which was attended by different actors of the education and vocational training system with which were discussed key issues of the project, including the dual system and the alternating school-work, the outlook guidance and validation of competences, inclusion, accompaniment and training aimed at young people and NEETs. [...]
On October, 6 in Bari it was held the final conference of SAVE, which was attended by various stakeholders in the education and vocational training system with which were discussed key issues of the project, including the dual system and alternating school-work, the future prospects of guidance and validation of competences, inclusion, accompaniment and training aimed at young people and NEETs. [...]
On September, 30 in Rome it was held the final conference of SAVE, which was attended by different actors of the education and vocational training system with which were discussed key issues of the project, including the dual system and the alternating school-work, the outlook guidance and validation of competences, inclusion, accompaniment and training aimed at young people and NEETs. [...]
The consortium informs that on 29 and 30 September was held in Rome on consortium final meetings of the SAVE project; within the project meeting was organized a final conference entitled "Motivation and (self-) evaluation between dual, and NEET youth inclusion - The evolution of guidance systems and customization of learning to the SAVE" project, at the Frentani Center Rome, with the presentation [...]
After summer time, we have already started to prepare a new piloting with another group of students at risk of early school leaving. In this occasion some teachers are going to organise two sessions about SAVE digital portfolio, collecting evidences with the students. They are going to work together, showing the students the different parts of SAVE project and collecting the students' [...]
SAVE framework and system actually offer a concrete model of implementation of a personalized learning pathway: self awareness, self evaluation and motivation, together with the biographical approach are the core of a learning pathway focused on the persons' needs, expectations, attitudes, relevant biography. That is why the SAVE System and frame were presented and explained during the in [...]
The prevention and contrast of NEET and ESL phenomena pass through also the training of trainers during their accademic pathway. Prof. Valentina Castello presents the SAVE System to a group of 40 university learners, studying as Social workers, during a Seminar, held the 11 of may 2016 at the Human Science Department of L'Aquila University. The group of students contributed, during [...]
In April Centro San Viator ran the digital portfolio piloting. In this first phase, four teachers and twenty students took part in the piloting. We collected the students' opinions and their feedbacks. In groups of five, the students have registered in the digital portfolio and they have been able to answer the questions with the teachers' assistance. In a second phase, in May, other four [...]
Poster session and social dinner in the frame of Inclusive Education educommunity (www.educommunity.it) presents SAVE -Self awareness Motivation Learning Evaluation 2014-1-IT01-KA202-02472 and TASK-Teacher Assessing Key Competences in School: authentic task based evaluation methodology 2015-1-IT02-KA201-015399, held in Bruxelles the 12 and 13 of April 2016. Experts and practitioners from [...]
Cultorale-DIDA, will participate in the Conference “Education, Participation, Integration - Erasmus+ and Refugees” the 19 and 20 of April 2016 in Essen, promoted by the European Commission. The focus on strategies for inclusive refugee and projects related. The conference is a good opportunity to show the SAVE System and the self awareness process through the motivational process of self [...]
The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, following the indication of the European Network of the Public Job Services (PES Network), launched the first edition of the Employers' Day, held on 7th April 2016. The aim was to give more visibility to the range of services offered to the enterpreses, and strengthen the collaboration with employers. The day had foreseen the organization of [...]
A chapter proposal titled "SAVE - Technology enhanced system supporting self-awareness, evaluation, integration and motivation to contrast ESL and NEET phenomena" was presented and accepted for the preliminary peer review to be published on the upcoming book "Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology". The final approval will be available within the end of [...]
educommunity - Educational Community, as member of KeyCoNet, european network promoting a competence based education, will participate in the Conference "Sustainable Networks for Inclusive Education" the 11 and 12 of April 2016 in Brussells, promoted by the European Commission DG for Education and Culture. The focus on strategies for inclusive education characterizes our educational [...]
We have already started to prepare the pilot with the students at risk of early school leaving. A group of 10 teachers are planning issues like: number of students, teachers who are going to supervise the pilot, aims of the pilot, places and times. They are doing a great effort to adapt the students and teachers schedule for SAVE project. The initial idea is starting in March or April, [...]
First Dissemination Event about European Projects taken place on 3rd of February in Zamudio. The event was organized by Hetel, Tknika and AIC. HETEL is an association of social initiative VET centres, located in the Basque Country, which provide vocational education covering different levels from 1-5 according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Tknika is a centre [...]
Education knows no boundaries and offers a key to success in all communities. Europe has a great wealth of teaching knowledge and experience but language barriers can make it difficult for teachers and educators to access information and resources from other countries. Presented in 23 European languages the School Education Gateway is a single point of entry for teachers, schools, experts and [...]
SAVE project Partners meet in Sopuerta Bilbao, hosted by Training Centre Sanviator, to progress with the SAVE System development. Trainers of Sanviator are involved in the beta release of the System to validate it and give feedback for its perfection. The Save System indeed is designed to support trainers, by a digital enhanced environment, in motivating and supporting students at a risk [...]
During the final Conference of the European project NNN - NET NOT NEET (Lifelong Learning Programme 2013 - Key activity 1 - Agreement N. 2013-3972 - Project n. 543229- LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA1-KA1NW) SAVE project staff is invited to present the project during the debate and networking session. Self evaluation, motivational strategies and learning personalization strategies will be proposed [...]
The SAVE System (Enhancing learning and integration and contrast ESL and NEET - 2014-1-IT01-KA202-002472) is a technology enhanced environment supporting and guiding a motivational path aimed at overcross the weaknesses of youngers at a risk of being NEET or of early school leaving. The motivational process supported by the SAVE system leads to the development of a digital portfolio. Areas and [...]
According to a recent OECD report "Education at a Glance Interim Report: Update of Employment and Educational Attainment Indicators" of January 2015, Italy is the third among the countries having a high number of young people and adults referable to NEET condition (Not in Employment , Not in Education, Not in Training). In 2013, Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey were the only countries with more [...]
In Florence, Italy, on 17-18 of the March will be the fifth edition of the international conference “New Perspectives in Science Education”. This event has the aim to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for Science Education. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects in the science [...]
SAVE member's project is invited to join the 10th anniversary of INTED and contribute with your education experiences. INTED is one of the largest international education conference for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector. After 10 years, it has become a reference event where more than 700 experts from 80 countries get together every year to [...]
SAVE project will participate to the final Conference of NETnotNEET Project which will be held in Brussels on 25th of November. The Conference will be an opportunity to meet and discuss with policy makers, young people, key actors of VET and Employment systems on policy and strategies to contrast and prevent early school leaving and NEETissues in Europe. Web site of the [...]
This event concentrated on examining the employer’s role in tackling youth unemployment and engaging a number of employers to participate in the UK pilot. It became clear that the process by which young people move into employment is becoming more difficult. Although the UK the number of unemployed youths has decreased, the fact that young people are finding the transition from education [...]
We are glad to announce the event "SAVE - UN SISTEMA DI PREVENZIONE DELL'ABBANDONO SCOLASTICO E DEL FENOMENO DEI NEET" that will be held in Brindisi (Italy) the next 9 of October to show the progresses made in the design of the SAVE System in order to prevent the NEET and ESL phenomenon. The opportunity will be valorised to take advantage of the lessons learnt by practitioners and experts in [...]
It was held in Rome the first multiplier event of the SAVE project. The event aimed at presenting SAVE project objectives, expected results and activities to all relevant stakeholders belonging to the educational, employment and social areas.
The new EU program, Erasmus Plus is actually started with the announce of the first winning projects. Among them, the project SAVE – Self Awareness, evaluation and motiVation system Enhancing learning and Integration to prevent and contrast ESL and NEET -, started on 15 – 16 December 2014 in Rome with the kick-off meeting