SAVE Consortium meeting – Focus on SAVE system development
SAVE project Partners meet in Sopuerta Bilbao, hosted by Training Centre Sanviator, to progress with the SAVE System development.
Trainers of Sanviator are involved in the beta release of the System to validate it and give feedback for its perfection.
The Save System indeed is designed to support trainers, by a digital enhanced environment, in motivating and supporting students at a risk of a early school leaving or to becoming NEET.
The System makes available tools and methodologies for self evaluation, learning personalization, motivation mediated by a digital smart environment appealing for youngers.
The System guides the students, supported by their trainers, to the development of a digital portfolio that mediates a selfawareness and motivation pathway highlighting their strenght points and what they are able to.

SAVE project partners work on the SAVE System development