The Project

Save Project

Self Awareness • Motivation
Learning • Evaluation

SAVE project – Self Awareness, evaluation and Motivation system Enhancing learning and Integration to prevent and contrast ESL and NEET – is aimed at define and validate innovative self-awareness, evaluation and motivation models, approaches and tools, in order to prevent and contrast Early school leaving and NEET phenomenon.

The project is aimed at design, realize and validate an innovative system, contemporaneously addressing:

  • Students engagement and motivation

    by implementing effective self-awareness and evaluation tools and inclusive Learning 2.0 solutions

  • Trainers guidance and learning role empowerment

    by defining new pedagogical models based on: self-evaluation; learning personalization (and digital portfolio); technology enhanced environments, supporting both student learning processes and trainers knowledge sharing

  • School and iVET responsiveness

    by implementing stronger dynamic link between education and job market and leveraging on the competencies‘ recognition within the digital portfolio frame

Fresh News/Events

The second multiplayer meeting in Prague

The second multiplayer meeting was held on Februry 17th in Prague. There were joint 12 professionals from Pedagogical Upper Secondary school, a specialist on the on-line platforms of textbooks at the larger publisher, a representant of the bank, two educational NGO, two research and marketing consultants and specialist for small and media business sector. One […]

Second English Multiplier Event

This event concentrated on examining the employer’s role in tackling youth unemployment and engaging a number of employers to participate in the UK pilot. It became clear that the process by which young people move into employment is becoming more difficult. Although the UK the number of unemployed youths has decreased, the fact that young people [...]

SAVE project: Kick-off meeting

The new EU program, Erasmus Plus is actually started with the announce of the first winning projects. Among them, the project SAVE – Self Awareness, evaluation and motiVation system Enhancing learning and Integration to prevent and contrast ESL and NEET -, started on 15 – 16 December 2014 in Rome with the kick-off meeting

Multiplier Event in Rome

It was held in Rome the first multiplier event of the SAVE project. The event aimed at presenting SAVE project objectives, expected results and activities to all relevant stakeholders belonging to the educational, employment and social areas.