Second Italian Multiplier Event
The Multiplier Event (ME) presented the SAVE system, tools and resources to the specific targets of trainers and VET/school institutions, attracting and engaging them in the experimentation phase. The structure of the System was the core theme of the ME, held in Brindisi (IT) the 9 of October 2015, organized by Educommunity and hosted by the associated Partner IISS Majorana.
The event showed the project progresses related to the implementation and integration, within the first release of the SAVE System, of the (IO2) Self Awareness Tool and (IO3) of the Digital Portfolio. Indeed the SAVE System integrates in a technology enhanced environment, learning personalization approaches and self evaluation strategies and tools aimed at involving and engaging students in a personalized process of motivation and empowerment, in order to prevent NEET and ESL phenomenon mainly in the Vocational education System“.