Youth, learning and inclusion: lessons learnt to prevent NEET and ESL phenomenon
We are glad to announce the event “SAVE – UN SISTEMA DI PREVENZIONE DELL’ABBANDONO SCOLASTICO E DEL FENOMENO DEI NEET” that will be held in Brindisi (Italy) the next 9 of October to show the progresses made in the design of the SAVE System in order to prevent the NEET and ESL phenomenon.
The opportunity will be valorised to take advantage of the lessons learnt by practitioners and experts in this field at national and european level and to involve in the debate the institutional policy and decision makers.
The focus of the SAVE System is on the self evaluation and personalization strategies applied through the multimedia supports.
The meeting will be host by the ITIS Majorana, Via Montebello 11, Brindisi, the next 9 of October 2015 from 9.30 to 13.00′
For further info
tel-fax 06 86398080
Program of the event
Register to the event
SAVE – Self Awareness, evaluation and motivation system Enhancing learning and integration and contrast ESL and NEET – 2014-1-IT01-KA202-002472