Eventi moltiplicatori

Conferenza finale SAVE – Alessandria, 11 Ottobre

L’11 Ottobre ad Alessandria si è tenuta la conferenza finale di SAVE, a cui hanno partecipato diversi attori del sistema dell’istruzione e della formazione professionale con cui si sono discussi temi centrali al progetto, tra cui il sistema duale e l’alternanza scuola-lavoro, le prospettive future dell’orientamento e della validazione delle competenze, l’inclusione, [...]

Conferenza finale SAVE – Bari, 6 Ottobre

Il 6 Ottobre a Bari si è tenuta la conferenza finale di SAVE, a cui hanno partecipato diversi attori del sistema dell’istruzione e della formazione professionale con cui si sono discussi temi centrali al progetto, tra cui il sistema duale e l’alternanza scuola-lavoro, le prospettive future dell’orientamento e della validazione delle competenze, l’inclusione, l’accompagnamento e la [...]

Conferenza finale di SAVE – Roma, 30 settembre

Il 30 settembre a Roma si è tenuta la conferenza finale di SAVE, a cui hanno partecipato diversi attori del sistema dell’istruzione e della formazione professionale, sia italiani che europei (altro…)

UK Multiplier Event 1

1st Multiplier Event in UK The first UK based Multiplier Event for the UK for the SAVE Project was held in London as part of the 2105 Youth Employment Summit. The event aimed at presenting SAVE project objectives, expected results and activities to  key stakeholders and organisations involved in supporting Youth Employment.  It was very much a political arena as a pre-cursor to the [...]

Second Czech Multiplier Event

Presenting SAVE project aims, expected results and activities to mutual learning seminar participants. First session was with seven experts from ICT working at the educational field providing feedback and sharing their experience with using new technologies in a context of SAVE project outputs (IO4). In second session were eighteen stakeholders and teachers reporting their opinion and feedback on [...]

First Italian Multiplier Event

The event aimed at presenting SAVE project aims, expected results and activities to all relevant stakeholders belonging to the educational, employment and social areas (schools, VET, policy makers, associations, business representatives) as well as to present: the relevant scenario, practices and challenges (O1) and the potential of the self-awareness and evaluation tool (O2) as main baseline of [...]

First Czech Multiplier Event

This Multiplier event aimed at presenting SAVE project aims, expected results and activities to mutual learning seminar participants. In particular, nineteen teachers and trainers in two separate sessions were introducing their experience with student endangered by ELS and NEET. The main topics discussed were student motivation, influence of the family, negative aspects of the system, [...]

Second English Multiplier Event

This event concentrated on examining the employer’s role in tackling youth unemployment and engaging a number of employers to participate in the UK pilot. It became clear that the process by which young people move into employment is becoming more difficult. Although the UK the number of unemployed youths has decreased, the fact that young people are finding the transition from education [...]

Multiplier Event a Brindisi

La struttura del Sistema SAVE è stata il tema centrale del Multiplier Event tenutosi a Brindisi il 9 ottobre 2015. Il Sistema SAVE integra le strategie di autovalutazione con strumenti tecnologicamente avanzati e con approcci di apprendimento personalizzato, al fine di prevenire l’abbandono scolastico e di contrastare il fenomeno dei NEET all’interno dei sistemi di formazione [...]

Second Italian Multiplier Event

The Multiplier Event (ME) presented the SAVE system, tools and resources to the specific targets of trainers and VET/school institutions, attracting and engaging them in the experimentation phase. The structure of the System was the core theme of the ME, held in Brindisi (IT) the 9 of October 2015, organized by Educommunity and hosted by the associated Partner IISS Majorana. The event showed [...]

Multiplier Event a Roma

Si è tenuto il 19 febbraio, presso la sede Nazionale del CIOFS-FP il primo dei multiplier event previsti dal progetto SAVE. L’evento è stata occasione per presentare gli obiettivi, i risultati attesi e le attività del progetto SAVE a tutti gli stakeholder rilevanti appartenenti al mondo dell’educazione, del lavoro e del sociale.

First Spanish Multiplier Event

This multiplier event was held in Durango (SP) at HETEL headquarter. HETEL is an association of social initiative VET centres, located in the Basque Country, which provide vocational education covering different levels from 1-5 according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The centres of the association have a key role in the economic development of their own local context, therefore [...]